Elbow Surgery Types

Elbow Surgery is a last-resort surgical treatment for individuals who suffer from intractable joint pain that does not respond to non-surgical treatment options. In most cases, the surgery is necessary to restore the normal range of joint mobility and avoid lasting upper limb disability. 

Like other surgeries, elbow procedures can be performed in a minimally invasive manner or as an open surgery, depending on the particular treatment needs. Read on for a brief overview of the most common types of elbow surgery performed today. 


This procedure targets the synovium, which is a thin lubricant-producing layer that lines the elbow joint and most other mobile joints in the body. This surgery is usually performed for severe cases of RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), which is a debilitating joint disease associated with joint deformities and inflammation.

Total Arthroplasty

When the joint is irreparably damaged and no minor procedure or medical treatment can save it, a total elbow arthroplasty might become necessary. A diseased joint is replaced with an artificial joint containing mechanical components.


Debridement is a process that removes redundant or diseased bone or soft tissue elements from an elbow. The procedure is used for post-traumatic arthritis and selected cases of osteoarthritis involving the elbow. 

Interpositional Arthroplasty

This surgery is performed to treat conditions like osteoarthritis that involve rubbing of bones against each other, resulting in pain and inflammation at the elbow joint. A soft tissue medium is placed between the eburnating surfaces to reduce frictional damage and achieve symptomatic improvement. 

There are several methods to treat an elbow issue but it will surely provide patients with long-lasting relief, restoring the hand function, and enhance the appearance of the arms and hands. To achieve this, it is ideal to choose an expert orthopedic surgeon specializing in hand and wrist surgeries. Dr. Gregory Kolovich is an award-winning hand doctor based in Savannah, Georgia. As the cofounder and CMO of Oxos Medical, a developer of orthopedic imaging devices, and also the President of the Georgia Society for Surgery of the Hand, Dr. Kolovich utilizes is expertise, mechanical skills, accuracy, vast knowledge, and efficiency in helping people who suffer from hand injuries and disorders to regain their hand function and improve the quality of their life. See his 5-star testimonials at Healthgrades.

You may request an Appointment with Dr. Kolovich at Optim Orthopedics.